
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Not So Favorite | Kim Kardashian Game

I'll be the first to admit that I was addicted to the Kim Kardashian Hollywood Game. Key word being WAS. I am happy to say that I am no longer an addict, and no longer play the game. 

I deleted the game last week and it was SUCH a relief. Seriously, it's such an addicting game, but really it's soooo stupid. Now that I'm no longer addicted, I can clearly see how dumb it really was--but ask me a week ago and I would have said it was the best game ever. All you do it sit there clicking over and over to complete tasks to get famous in the game. Seriously. You just click on the screen and travel by bus or plane to different places, and that's the whole extent of the game. It's also one of those games that gives you a set amount of time to complete tasks, so you're constantly checking on your character throughout the day so you don't mess up and lose fans. The whole point is to get on the A-List, but then once you get on the A-List and you're really happy, you realize that you're still not done and there's a bunch of other things still left to do! So dumb. I'm so glad I finally deleted the game because it was honestly taking over my life, and not in a good way.

Now on to bigger and better things. 
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