
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Friday, August 29, 2014

Dream Diary #13 | A Blue/Orange Dog & Target

The dream I had last night I've definitely had before. Well at least parts of it.

I was parking my car in some parking structure and then was trying to exit it. I have dreams about parking lots a lot. Then, I went to the stairs and started walking down them, but every floor had weird roadblocks or just didn't have any exit. I also have dreams that I can't exit parking lots a lot. So I kept walking down and down the stairs (I parked on a high floor apparently) trying to find a way out. A few floors down, I found some of my friends. They were dream friends, not friends I've made in real life yet. Finally we found this way out, but we had to basically walk across this plank of wood, then climb/jump down this big net. It was kinda like one of those big nets you climb up in a jungle gym, except it was a lot bigger and more dangerous. Luckily we all made it after jumping, hooray! And then went down to the grass to hangout. One of my friends even brought his dog. It looked like a mini St. Bernard, except he said the previous owners dyed the dog's head orange, and his body blue! RIDICULOUS. Poor dog!! The dog hated being blue and would seriously attack anything that was blue, like someone who was wearing a blue shirt. 

Then the dream skipped to me being at Target. I love Target! It was really awesome because in my dream, Target started using these cards where you would scan your card with everything you bought while you were shopping, and you could just pay later online. You didn't have to wait in line for a cashier or anything. It was kinda like an honor system thing though, but there was a way for them to see if you were lying and stealing. Seriously this would be a genius idea for Target to do because the checkout line is the WORST part of going to Target. Also, while I was at Target, the new Taylor Swift song "Shake It Off" was playing. I love that song so that made me happy.
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