I think that every time I have a hard time getting up in the morning (like when I wake up and fall back asleep, wake up and fall back asleep again) I have a harder time remembering my dreams. So while I'm still super groggy, I just write down what I remember--which really isn't much. And then when I am really awake and up, I'll go back and read what I wrote and see if it helps me remember anything. 90% of the time, it really doesn't haha.
So last night, I had about 4 different dreams. I very very vaguely remember the first 2. The last 2 I remember a wholeeee lot more.
In the first dream, I noted that I was cleaning and there were a lot of dust bunnies. I think I was cleaning some house and there was just dust everywhere. For some reason I was the #1 cleaner in the world HAHAHA. Ironic because I HATE CLEANING.
The second dream I remember even less than the first. All I wrote was swimming and collecting treasure. Makes me think I've been playing wayy too much Hungry Shark lately. I honestly don't even remember this dream.
Then in the 3rd dream, I was in this locker room with a bunch of other athletes. We just had a really long practice or a game, and all I wanted to do was change and leave. But then this one girl on my team told me that I sucked and I got really mad. We got in a huge argument. One second we were super angry at each other, and the next second we were friends again and hugging it out.
The last dream reminded me of Law and Order SVU. That's probably what my dream was inspired by anyways. There was this young girl (probably in her 20's) and she was friends with me and my family. She was dating and/or married to this much older guy. I think he was supposed to be 30-40 years older than her, and it was so weird because she said she's loved him ever since she was young. GROSS. He wasn't even an amazing guy or anything, and he was also really rude and impolite to everyone. Anyways, we were on some big van and all traveling on a trip together. The guy was being such a jerk so my mom opened the van door and threw out all the flowers the guy gave us. I think we were on the freeway too when this happened. Dangerous.
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