
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Don't Suffocate Your Stomach

Last night, I realized 2 very important things. 

1. When you go on BuzzFeed for the first time in forever, you will undeniably spend a couple hours on there without realizing it. I seriously sat down, opened up BuzzFeed, and somehow it turned into 2 hours later. HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN??? I love BuzzFeed though. No matter what, it always keeps me entertained. And also gives me actual news sometimes. Awesome. 

2. When I can't fall asleep, it's usually because I can't find a comfortable position. I like to sleep on my side (either one) or my back, but left side of the bed. So when I roll over towards the left, my body has a fear of rolling off the bed (it's happened before), so I guess it overcompensates by making me roll onto my stomach sometimes. Sleeping on your stomach is NOT COMFORTABLE AT ALL. How do people do it??? I can barely last 2 minutes like that before it feels like I'm suffocating my stomach to death. Like, come on, stomachs need air too. Definitely not my favorite.
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