
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dream Diary #6 | I Hate Ducks

OMG I hate when I forget that my phone volume is turned up all the way. Because that means, my alarm in the morning is on the loudest volume possible. AND IT'S THE WORST THING EVER. I can't deal with being shocked out of sleep by the sound of loud ducks quacking (Yes, my alarm is the duck quacking sound hahahah). Seriously, it's like I have a mini heart attack when I get woken up like that. And to make matters worse, I always set multiple alarms in the morning because I always snooze. And 2 or 3 mini heart attacks in the morning is definitely worse than 1 mini heart attack. 

So because of this, I seriously don't remember much of my dream last night. When I was woken up by the first duck alarm, I know I remembered some of it. But when the 2nd alarm got me, all the anxiety of it literally made me forget it all.

I need to change my alarm.
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