
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Friday, August 29, 2014

90's Kid Music: Bringing Back Britney Spears

So lately, I've been cleaning out all of my music to make more room on my laptop. Can someone please tell me why I decided to have so many songs on my iTunes? WHYYY. It was probably the worst idea of my life, but I just love music and all types of music. So I guess that's why I collected thousands and thousands of songs over the years. Sidenote: I finally got it down to under 4000 songs woohoo! So much left to do though, ugh. And also, I still have all of my old CD's too. I'm sure they'll be worth billions one day. 

Anyways, some goodies came up while I was cleaning out my songs. Although I did delete about 3000 songs already, I couldn't bring myself to delete any of the songs from my childhood. Because they're just THAT GOOD. I found a lot of Britney Spears and decided to play them all. I realize I definitely love Britney Spears' older music compared to her newer stuff. I'm also not ashamed to say I can still sing just about every word. 

Some of my Britney Spears favorites:

"Oops! I Did It Again"
"One Kiss From You"
"From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart"
"When Your Eyes Say It"
"Baby One More Time"
"I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman"
"Born To Make You Happy"
"(You Drive Me) Crazy"
"I Will Be There"

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