
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Ghost In The Computer

The weirdest/scariest thing happened last night. At 3:37 am, I was woken up by what I thought was my mom watching her Asian dramas on her computer. My bedroom is the one right next to the office, and my bed is literally set up on the wall right by the computer. I thought it was the weirdest thing that my mom would be up at that time to watch her show. I was mad too because the sound woke me up (I'm a light sleeper sometimes) and who really wants to be woken up in the middle of the night for no reason. 

The volume was up really loud too, and it wasn't turning down. And I realized, it probably wasn't my mom watching because she would have her headphones in if it was her. So I got out of bed and went to the office, where I saw that the video was playing but my mom wasn't there. It really freaked me out that there might be a ghost, but then I remembered that this had happened before. I guess the computer for some reason reboots itself when it's time for the monthly software update, and it resumes all the windows that were opened before it was put on Sleep Mode. I was NOT in the mood to update anything or watch Asian dramas, so I closed every window and went back to bed. 

So there might not be a ghost in my computer, but it was still scary. Especially after Brian told me he just stayed in one of the top 10 haunted hotels in Asia two days ago. Maybe there was a ghost in the computer there.
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Saturday, August 30, 2014

What I'm Most Excited About For Fall

As much as I loooove summer, I am just as excited for Fall to come. Summer and Fall have to be my favorite times of the year. I'm not such a big fan of Winter because I hate the cold, or Spring because my allergies are the WORST. Here's what I've been anxiously been looking forward to all summer long.

Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

I cannot wait for this show to come back. It feels like I've been waiting forever to find out if Ward really is evil as HYDRA is, or if he's actually a good guy inside. I have my hopes set on him actually turning out to be a good guy! September 23rd @9pm. It's written down in my calendar and everything.

My Birthday

OCTOBER 14. The best day of the year to be born. I'll be 23, but like Blink-182 says--nobody likes you when you're 23. HAHA.

Disneyland during Halloween

I haven't had a Disneyland annual pass for years now. So sad, but it just got way too expensive to have one. But I do like to go to Disneyland during Halloween season. I honestly like Disneyland's decorations during Halloween more than Christmas (but it's a close call). And I love my churros too.


I'm so happy football will finally be back soon in just a few more days. Also, it's my first year playing Fantasy Football, so hopefully I don't suck too horribly haha.

Starting at SLO & Decorating My Room

It's also just a couple more weeks until I move to SLO. Woohoo! I also can't wait to set up and decorate my space. A happy home is a happy heart.

Bones Coming Back

My favorite show is back on September 25th @8pm!! I hated last season's cliffhanger sooo much. I NEED THE SHOW TO BE BACK ON RIGHT NOW SO I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. 


One of my favorite things to say is "Happy Thanksgiving ya'll" because I LOVE Thanksgiving. The food. The cooking. The pie. YES.

My New Planner

I know, I'm so weird. But really, I still am so excited for when the planner I ordered will finally come. I really hope it's worth the wait because I have been obsessing over it for sooo long now. Okay it's been like a week since I ordered it, but feels like forever!

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Dream Diary #14 | Mulan Made Me Lobster Noodles

I had a dream last night about Ming Na Wen aka Mulan. She was my teacher, so maybe she was like teaching me awesome fighting techniques or something. I really don't remember what kind of teacher she was. Some of my old friends from school were in the class too, like Camille and Jordan and Will. It was a nice little reunion. 

About halfway through the class though, Mulan suddenly was like, "Hey are you guys hungry?" For some reason, I said no. But luckily everyone else said yes, so Mulan told us to all go outside because she had a surprise! And seriously when we got there, it was like a buffet. She made SO MUCH FOOD for us. Camille and I ran over to the table and saw that there were lobster noodles. OMG drool. They were fresh and hot, and had a ton of lobster in them. They looked a little bit like the garlic noodles from Crustacean. SO DELICIOUS. Literally one of my most favorite things ever. So we started to try and scoop out the noodles but they were super slippery. We were holding up the line, but our friends weren't mad. I think Will was in line after me, and he told us just to put the 2 spoons together to scoop up the noodles like how Asian restaurants do it. It worked. BEST DREAM EVER.
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Friday, August 29, 2014

90's Kid Music: Bringing Back Britney Spears

So lately, I've been cleaning out all of my music to make more room on my laptop. Can someone please tell me why I decided to have so many songs on my iTunes? WHYYY. It was probably the worst idea of my life, but I just love music and all types of music. So I guess that's why I collected thousands and thousands of songs over the years. Sidenote: I finally got it down to under 4000 songs woohoo! So much left to do though, ugh. And also, I still have all of my old CD's too. I'm sure they'll be worth billions one day. 

Anyways, some goodies came up while I was cleaning out my songs. Although I did delete about 3000 songs already, I couldn't bring myself to delete any of the songs from my childhood. Because they're just THAT GOOD. I found a lot of Britney Spears and decided to play them all. I realize I definitely love Britney Spears' older music compared to her newer stuff. I'm also not ashamed to say I can still sing just about every word. 

Some of my Britney Spears favorites:

"Oops! I Did It Again"
"One Kiss From You"
"From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart"
"When Your Eyes Say It"
"Baby One More Time"
"I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman"
"Born To Make You Happy"
"(You Drive Me) Crazy"
"I Will Be There"

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Friday Favorite | The Special Ratatouille Pasta Sauce

I love to make this sauce. It's sooo yummy. It's basically the recipe that my mom and aunts used to make spaghetti sauce when I was younger, but I added my own twists on it over the years. And somehow it became this sauce! It's a good pasta sauce for basically any type of pasta, or even if you love eating sauce alone (like me!) or with some French bread. My aunt and uncle say it's similar to a ratatouille, so now I'll just call it the Ratatouille Pasta sauce. I'll take that as a compliment because my uncle is French so he would know his French food. It's definitely not vegetarian like real ratatouille though because my family loves meat and really meaty meat sauces. The only issue I really have with making this sauce is that I ALWAYS make way too much because it's so hard to make only a little bit of sauce. But this is a good thing because the only thing better than this sauce when its fresh, is this sauce as leftovers for another meal or a snack.

The Ingredients:
Note 1: We like our sauce spicy and this sausage is definitely spicy, but you can use non-spicy sausage. You can actually use any type of meat you prefer: ground beef, ground turkey, etc. and then just add spice later if you like.
Note 2: You can add any vegetables you like into the sauce too. And any type of jar sauce. Basically this sauce can be tailored to suit anybody's taste buds.
Surprise! When I was cutting open the bellpepper, there was a mini little bellpepper inside. 
Cut everything up to around the same size!
Cook low and slow. The longer the better. I let this pot cook for just under 2 hours. If you need it done faster, it'll still taste good after 30 minutes. But it will taste even better if you leave it to cook for longer. 
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Dream Diary #13 | A Blue/Orange Dog & Target

The dream I had last night I've definitely had before. Well at least parts of it.

I was parking my car in some parking structure and then was trying to exit it. I have dreams about parking lots a lot. Then, I went to the stairs and started walking down them, but every floor had weird roadblocks or just didn't have any exit. I also have dreams that I can't exit parking lots a lot. So I kept walking down and down the stairs (I parked on a high floor apparently) trying to find a way out. A few floors down, I found some of my friends. They were dream friends, not friends I've made in real life yet. Finally we found this way out, but we had to basically walk across this plank of wood, then climb/jump down this big net. It was kinda like one of those big nets you climb up in a jungle gym, except it was a lot bigger and more dangerous. Luckily we all made it after jumping, hooray! And then went down to the grass to hangout. One of my friends even brought his dog. It looked like a mini St. Bernard, except he said the previous owners dyed the dog's head orange, and his body blue! RIDICULOUS. Poor dog!! The dog hated being blue and would seriously attack anything that was blue, like someone who was wearing a blue shirt. 

Then the dream skipped to me being at Target. I love Target! It was really awesome because in my dream, Target started using these cards where you would scan your card with everything you bought while you were shopping, and you could just pay later online. You didn't have to wait in line for a cashier or anything. It was kinda like an honor system thing though, but there was a way for them to see if you were lying and stealing. Seriously this would be a genius idea for Target to do because the checkout line is the WORST part of going to Target. Also, while I was at Target, the new Taylor Swift song "Shake It Off" was playing. I love that song so that made me happy.
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Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Elephant In The Room (Literally)

Ever since I found out I would be going to SLO, I've slowly been buying little things to decorate my room and make it feel homier once I move. There were some really nice sales going on this summer, so I managed to get some really cute things for a bargain!
 The gold box on top is actually a long string of plastic gold beads? I don't know if I would really call them beads, but they're little plastic gold things strung on a long string. I got these ages and ages ago from a Crate&Barrel clearance sale I think. I also got some string lights from Target!
 This red elephant is my FAVORITE. As anyone knows, I'm slightly obsessed with elephants right now. And the fact that this elephant is red (my favorite color) makes it even better. 
 And last but not least, a ceramic jar with a bright orange top. I was originally going to use this as a candle holder, but we're not allowed to bring candles into the apartment. So I'll find some other use for this. I got the jar and the elephant from Michaels when they were on clearance.

Nothing in my room is going to match at all, but I think it'll turn out amazing. I never match anything anyways.

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Dream Diary #12 | Planners and Gibberish

I had a dream about planners last night. Yeah, like weekly planners. I've been doing so much research trying to find the perfect planner lately (because I'm weird like that) that I dreamt I finally got the perfect one. I'm just super picky about buying a planner because it lasts all year and I like the layouts organized a certain way. I think my dream was telling me that I may have been slightly over-obsessing over finding a planner though. Oh well..

I woke up at a weird time again today (way too early) so I jotted down a note of what happened in my dreams, but the planner one is the only one I can read/remember clearly.

Here's what else I wrote down:
"Dricinf around. Swewikf indesieablea
Kevin's house nobody gome" 

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT MEANS. I guess that's what happens when you're trying to type on an iPhone with your eyes closed haha. But I do kinda of recall driving to Kevin's house in my dream but nobody being home except for his mom. 
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Don't Suffocate Your Stomach

Last night, I realized 2 very important things. 

1. When you go on BuzzFeed for the first time in forever, you will undeniably spend a couple hours on there without realizing it. I seriously sat down, opened up BuzzFeed, and somehow it turned into 2 hours later. HOW DID THAT EVEN HAPPEN??? I love BuzzFeed though. No matter what, it always keeps me entertained. And also gives me actual news sometimes. Awesome. 

2. When I can't fall asleep, it's usually because I can't find a comfortable position. I like to sleep on my side (either one) or my back, but left side of the bed. So when I roll over towards the left, my body has a fear of rolling off the bed (it's happened before), so I guess it overcompensates by making me roll onto my stomach sometimes. Sleeping on your stomach is NOT COMFORTABLE AT ALL. How do people do it??? I can barely last 2 minutes like that before it feels like I'm suffocating my stomach to death. Like, come on, stomachs need air too. Definitely not my favorite.
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Dream Diary #11 | Moving In With Fake Roommates

Last night I imagined in my dream that I was already moving and was moving in with my roommates. It was weird because the place definitely did not look like the pictures at all. I'm also 110% sure that the people in my dream won't actually be who my roommates are.

The apartment was a really cute little space though. It was a mess with everyone moving in and all of us trying to rearrange all the furniture. Also, for some reason, one of the girls made the executive decision to go ahead and double with me in my room. Which was really weird because there were 4 of us and there were 4 bedrooms. She didn't like her room for some reason and decided to move into my room with me. But I was like... uh no...there's a perfectly nice room waiting over there for you. So we all helped move all of her stuff into her room. And we were all happy. Good dream and good morning.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Not So Secret Bookworm

It's not a secret that I love to read. When I was younger you would hardly ever see me without a book in my hand. I would read everywhere. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would buy the latest Harry Potter book right when it came out and then finish it a few hours later. Sigh. The good old days. Nowadays it does get hard to find a lot of time to read, but I still love it. 

I'm currently in the middle of reading The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness. It's the final book in the All Souls Trilogy and I absolutely love love love it so far. I'm really sad it's the last book though because I've been a fan of the trilogy since the very first book. It seriously has everything I love in a book--there's fantasy, wizardry, tons of action, some romance, a bunch of science and history, just literally everything I love. It was TORTURE waiting for the 2nd and the 3rd book to come out. Ironic because now that the last book finally came out, I still haven't found time to finish the whole thing. I'm a little more than halfway through at this point, but what I really need to do is find some time to sit down and finish the rest of it in one sitting. It's honestly like a grown up version of Harry Potter but different. Harry Potter will always have the most special place in my heart, but these books are a good alternative for my "grown up" self. There's even the possibility of the first book being turned into a movie--hopefully it all works out because I'd be the first in line to see it!
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Little IKEA Trip

Since I'm going to be moving into a new place (finally know who my apartment mates are!), I've been hunting for items to help me organize my room. I got these little odds and ends from IKEA. Normally at IKEA, I'm all over the kitchen section. Like I absolutely love any and all kitchen things. 

This time however, I was on a mission in the storage and organizing section. I saw this set of boxes in the IKEA catalogue and they were soo cute I had to get them. They're going to be perfect on my desk since I like to have things on top of my desk rather than in the drawers (I know I'm weird like that). And then while walking in the gardening section, I saw these cute mint green metal pots. I'm sure they're supposed to be for actual flowers and plants, but I'm either going to use them for pens and things like that, or makeup. Or both. Or even just as decoration. Plus the color just makes me so happy when I look at them.
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Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Memories Ep. 01

After going through some old pictures this weekend, I decided to start posting some of them. I literally have almost 10,000 pictures on my laptop alone (and that's not even including the actual printed photos we have stored in photo albums). It was so much easier back when we had to use actual film cameras because then you would print out all the pictures and look at them all. But now that there's smartphones and cameras, I literally just a take a bunch of pictures but never do anything with them. What's the point of taking pictures if they're just going to sit on my computer and collect dust?

So here's the start of Monday Memories! Throwbacks to when we were babies, funny pictures from whenever, and unforgettable memories forever. 
Dylan and I circa 2008
Baby Dylan circa 2008 - thinking Brian's arm is a turkey leg
Cousins at Disneyland circa 2008 or 2009
Matching cousin picture circa 1998/1999
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Dream Diary #10 | A Cat Fortress

Kaia loves cats. She loves cats so much that I even dreamt about her love for cats.

Today was the first time in a while that I woke up feeling rested and not tired at all. FINALLY. Maybe that's why I only had 1 dream last night, instead of 4.

So in the dream, Kaia and I were in someone's backyard and were just hanging out. Then Kaia wanted to go play with her cat, and I was like...no, I'm allergic. But she made me go with her anyways to her little cat house. Only it wasn't a normal cat house or wherever it is cats live. This one was a full on stone fortress for her cat. The only problem was that the door to the cat fortress was a really tiny narrow tunnel. I have a fear of getting stuck in teeny tiny tunnels like that. I definitely did not like that, or the cat. Yeah...I didn't go in. But Kaia and Aunt Cherie did, and they were playing with the cat while I watched through the fence. HAHAHA.
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Just A Little Shopping...

I have been obsessively looking for a new bag for school (I can't believe I'm going back to school. WHAT.) I searched high and low in stores and online at all my usual shops, but couldn't find ANYTHING. So then I turned to ASOS and it was a magical life-changing experience. I can't believe I waited SOO LONG to buy something from there because there's literally so many nice things on there. I got the perfect bag from Oasis, and I am soooo happy and so ready for school now. Hooray!

I also finally took the plunge and finally decided to try Gimme Brow from Benefit. Thank you Kat for the tip :) I love the NYX brow powder I normally use (mentioned here) but wanted to try something different. Sometimes the powder takes a little longer to apply and looks a little too done if I'm not careful. Gimme Brow is more pricey but I wanted something I could just swipe on really quickly for a natural look. It'll save me so much time in the mornings now. This is one of my new favorite products for sure.

Yay for good purchases! And yay for back to school shopping! Since I still have a million notebooks leftover from when I bought 2 huge boxes from Target for $2 years ago, this counts as back to school shopping for me. LOL.
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Dream Diary #9 | Rainbow Water and Cheetahs

In my dream, Kaia almost became famous. ALMOST. We were in a grocery store and we were singing some song together. And at the checkout, this guy noticed Kaia singing and thought it was really cute. He gave us his business card and told us to give him a call about getting Kaia a manager. LOL Aunt Cherie....Kaia's beautiful singing ?? Maybe one day she will get really really amazing in real life. 

Then the dream jumped and I was outside in some really cool garden. There were all these flowers and plants, but also a lot of bugs everywhere. I had to go through the whole garden to get to the other side where I was meeting with a group of people. It kinda seemed like we were there for a field trip or something. Or maybe we were farmers. Who knows?

Then the field was gone, and I was at some school. I met these 2 girls who showed me their place. It was weird because one of the showers never had any hot water and it was basically a big hose outside. One of they girls rigged the hose with chalk so it would spray out colorful water. That was pretty awesome. But luckily, they had this guest room outside that had a real shower.

And then dream jumped again to somewhere in the woods. Uncle Tony picked all of the cousins up in his car (I have no idea how all of us fit!) and was going to take us all out for dinner. He told us to bring jackets and we all had jackets, except for Kent. So he had to park and wait for Kent to run back with his jacket. While we were parked on a dirt lot waiting for Kent, we saw these cheetahs run in front of the car. Actual cheetahs. In the woods. What???
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Saturday, August 23, 2014

In-N-Out. YES.

In-N-Out. The Food of the Gods. Literally. 
I'm so happy we live in San Diego where there are so many In-N-Outs. What is life without In-N-Out? A sad sad life. Thank you to the nice guy who gave us a million packets of ketchup when we asked for extra ketchup. Thank you. You are my new best friend. I think the only reason I posted about this was because he gave us soooo many ketchups. I LOVE KETCHUP SO MUCH. Especially with super crispy, well done In-N-Out fries. 
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Dream Diary #8 | Cleaning, Hugging, and Living Dangerously

I think that every time I have a hard time getting up in the morning (like when I wake up and fall back asleep, wake up and fall back asleep again) I have a harder time remembering my dreams. So while I'm still super groggy, I just write down what I remember--which really isn't much. And then when I am really awake and up, I'll go back and read what I wrote and see if it helps me remember anything. 90% of the time, it really doesn't haha. 

So last night, I had about 4 different dreams. I very very vaguely remember the first 2. The last 2 I remember a wholeeee lot more. 

In the first dream, I noted that I was cleaning and there were a lot of dust bunnies. I think I was cleaning some house and there was just dust everywhere. For some reason I was the #1 cleaner in the world HAHAHA. Ironic because I HATE CLEANING.

The second dream I remember even less than the first. All I wrote was swimming and collecting treasure. Makes me think I've been playing wayy too much Hungry Shark lately. I honestly don't even remember this dream.

Then in the 3rd dream, I was in this locker room with a bunch of other athletes. We just had a really long practice or a game, and all I wanted to do was change and leave. But then this one girl on my team told me that I sucked and I got really mad. We got in a huge argument. One second we were super angry at each other, and the next second we were friends again and hugging it out. 

The last dream reminded me of Law and Order SVU. That's probably what my dream was inspired by anyways. There was this young girl (probably in her 20's) and she was friends with me and my family. She was dating and/or married to this much older guy. I think he was supposed to be 30-40 years older than her, and it was so weird because she said she's loved him ever since she was young. GROSS. He wasn't even an amazing guy or anything, and he was also really rude and impolite to everyone. Anyways, we were on some big van and all traveling on a trip together. The guy was being such a jerk so my mom opened the van door and threw out all the flowers the guy gave us. I think we were on the freeway too when this happened. Dangerous.
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Morning Mixtape

It was especially hard for me to wake up this morning. I kept trying, but kept falling back asleep. This rarely ever happens to me. Of course, this called for some music to help wake me up once I finally got out of bed. This was this morning's mixtape/shuffle. Also, side note: some of the buttons on my laptop are broken (like all the buttons on the top row and stuff) so I can't change the volume or change songs using the buttons anymore :( 

"Close Your Eyes" - Sugarcult
"Break Your Little Heart" - All Time Low
"Refuge (When It's Cold Outside)" - John Legend
"California's Near" - Tyler Ward
"Sk8er Boi" - Avril Lavigne
"MakeDamnSure" - Taking Back Sunday
"End Up Here" - 5 Seconds of Summer
"The Saddest Song" - The Ataris
"Maps" - Maroon 5
"Too Much To Ask" - Avril Lavigne
"How" - Maroon 5

Some repeated Avril and Maroon 5 in there, but I'm glad Sk8r Boi came up. I used to LOVE that song so much. Isn't it weird how you can not hear a song for years and years, but when you hear it again, you still remember every single word?? It's awesome how much you can remember without trying.
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Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Favorite & Not So Favorite | Trader Joe's Snacks

We love snacks and we love Trader Joe's. So we went to Trader Joe's to get snacks this week.
We got a TON of snacks. 

What we bought:
Crispy Crunchy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Triple Ginger Cookies
Fat Free Blueberry Muesli
Belgian Butter Waffle Cookies
Soft Bite Mini Almond Biscotti

Some of them were more delicious than others. My favorite was definitely the Crispy Crunchy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. I loooove Oatmeal Cookies minus the raisins--they're my absolute favorite type of cookie. These ones said they had raisin in them though, but they were mini cookies so I couldn't resist buying them. And I'm really glad I did because they're delicious! They're the perfect size to munch on so you end up eating a bunch instead of just a couple. And you don't even taste the raisin in them. PERFECTION.

My not so favorite of the bunch was the Mini Almond Biscotti. You can definitely tell there's almond extract in them, which kind of leaves a weird aftertaste in your mouth. And they really smell like almond extract (that super flowery almond smell) and I really am not a fan of that. They tasted alright, but I would definitely pick a different flavor next time. 

Until then, I'll just keep eating my little Oatmeal Raisin cookies. YES.
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Dream Diary #7 | Pretty Little Liars and Rock Fights

Last night's dream was very Pretty Little Liars themed.

I guess I was a student at Rosewood High or something, and the girls from Pretty Little Liars were my friends. They were all there--Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily. And A was there too somewhere. There was also a new young teacher (forgot her name) and she was really nice and on the same side as all of us. The A in my dream was A LOT NICER than the A on the TV show. All of us were receiving red purses from A. They were all different and showed up 1 at a time, but they were all really nice purses. Like 1 of them was even a Tory Burch. WHAT. The red purses were stuffed with a whole bunch of stuff too, like beauty products and makeup. It was so weird. We were each getting a bag of free stuff from A. A was actually really nice?! But we still had no idea who A was, so we were freaked out about that. Even the nice teacher got a purse from A! So weird.

Then the dream jumped and we were all at Brian's house (sorry, no more Pretty Little Liars people). It was nighttime and we were hanging out when we heard a weird bang from outside. We ran outside and saw this tiny car full of these scary looking guys wearing all black. They were throwing these huge rocks/mini boulders at the house and at us. We kept trying to dodge them because they were just catapulting through the air, but some of them hit us. It really hurt too! We started throwing them back at the guys, basically just having a huge rock fight. Then one of them threw this rock right through Brian's window and shattered it. They got scared and started to run off. BUT WE WERE LIKE NO. So we started chasing them. Then I woke up.
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Thursday, August 21, 2014

8 Random Things | Favorite Products Under $10

Over the years, I've experimented with tons of different mascaras, eyeliners, blushes, lip balms, etc. Target is honestly my favorite place to go, so there's always a lot of new options to try. Through a lot of trial and error, I have found some of my favorite products that I continued to use over and over. Most of them are drugstore products and a couple aren't, but they're all good.

1. Neutrogena Clear Face Liquid Lotion Suncreen Broad Spectrum SPF55 ($8.99)
Always wear sunscreen! I hate sunscreens that are heavy and clog my pores, but this one is really lightweight and comes in a high SPF.

2. ULTA Cheek Color in Afternoon Delight ($7)
I was surprised how long the color stayed on my cheeks and I love how there's some shimmer in it.

3. Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranate Oil (around $2-3)
My go-to when my lips are super chapped like during the winter. The Pomegranate Oil one specifically is my favorite because smells really good :)

4. Sephora Collection Nano Eyeliner in Coffee ($5)
The tiniest eyeliner I've ever bought, but one of the longest lasting because it's super pigmented.

5. NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder in Dark Brown ($5.99) 
Anything with the name Cake Powder has to be a sure bet right? LOL jk. I really do like using this eyebrow powder to lightly fill my eyebrows without making them look too filled in or unnatural. 

6. Clinique Bottom Lash ($10)
I finally decided to give this a try recently. I love how tiny the brush is because it really does reach all my bottom lashes.

7. Maybelline Waterproof Volum' Express The Mega Plush Mascara ($5.89)
I feel like a lot of people I know don't really like this mascara, but I LOVE the bendy mascara wand and how feathery it makes your eyelashes look. I get the waterproof formula because it helps my eyelashes stay curled after I curl them.

8. Baby Lips in Pink Punch - $2.99 at Target
I'm not a big fan of pink normally but this is a rare exception to the rule, and it's super moisturizing. 
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Dream Diary #6 | I Hate Ducks

OMG I hate when I forget that my phone volume is turned up all the way. Because that means, my alarm in the morning is on the loudest volume possible. AND IT'S THE WORST THING EVER. I can't deal with being shocked out of sleep by the sound of loud ducks quacking (Yes, my alarm is the duck quacking sound hahahah). Seriously, it's like I have a mini heart attack when I get woken up like that. And to make matters worse, I always set multiple alarms in the morning because I always snooze. And 2 or 3 mini heart attacks in the morning is definitely worse than 1 mini heart attack. 

So because of this, I seriously don't remember much of my dream last night. When I was woken up by the first duck alarm, I know I remembered some of it. But when the 2nd alarm got me, all the anxiety of it literally made me forget it all.

I need to change my alarm.
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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tea,Tea, Makes You Pee*

Gabby, Kirsten, and I had a lot of spots of tea today! Sooo much that it definitely made us all pee*. A LOT. We were down for the pound though.

We went to this really cute little place called Marlene's. It really made us miss London, with all the tea and scones and cute teacups. Nothing better than a reunion with tea! I should definitely do a throwback post (or two) to our time in London.

The scones at this place were so amazing that it should be illegal. I would have been happy just getting 100 of those scones and some tea. I'm definitely going back just for those scones! But honestly, everything else (besides the cucumber sandwiches) was SOO delicious too. The tomato soup, the mini beef wellingtons (and I don't even like beef that much!), the chocolate macarons OMG. SO GOOD. And there was so much more--we could barely finish. We tried some really good tea (like 3 pots! haha) and would have tried more but we were just so stuffed. But we probably won't be getting that blueberry tea again. Sorry GG, Kirsten and I aren't down for that pound.

It was a successful day of yum yums and reunion-ing and pretending to be classy. We're definitely going to go back there, and go back to London one day! Oh and have a picnic too. In London. xx
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The Morning Shuffle

I have a really hard time falling asleep sometimes, so I end up not getting a lot of sleep. When this happens, I'm extraaaa groggy in the morning (I'm usually always groggy until I get some food in me) and it just takes so much longer for me to feel awake and ready for the day. To speed up the process of making myself feel more awake, I'll set my iTunes on shuffle and play music while I'm getting ready. 

I've collected a lot of different music over the years, so it's always a surprise what will play. I like having it on shuffle because songs that I forgot I had or songs that are really good but I haven't heard in forever will usually pop up. I'll usually skip the songs that are slower or too mellow because they just make me tired again. 

This morning, music was definitely necessary, and these are the songs that I didn't skip. Also, my iTunes wasn't that good at shuffling this morning and kept playing Sum 41 in the beginning--could be because I spilled a little bit of water on it yesterday. But I didn't mind because it just reminded me how much I really love Sum 41.

"Motivation" - Sum 41
"Rather Be" - Clean Bandit
"Underclass Hero" - Sum 41
"Still Waiting" - Sum 41
"Tennessee" - New Found Glory
"Crazy in Love" - Beyonce and Jay Z
"Tearin' Up My Heart" - NSYNC
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Dream Diary #5 | I've Been Watching Too Much Youtube

Seriously, I have been watching too many Youtube videos lately because a ton of Youtubers appeared in my dream last night.

Marcus Butler, Niomi Smart, and Tanya Burr (all Youtubers that I like to watch) were helping me shop for apartment things. I've been dreaming about people helping me buy house things lately (Ian Somerhalder helped me last time!) and it's weird because it's people who I don't even know that are helping me. Then while we were shopping, Marcus ate something that caused him to stop breathing and/or made him faint or something. He disappeared somewhere (apparently the hospital) and then reappeared again to tell us he got diagnosed with a heart condition that made him unable to eat whatever food he had been eating. I literally don't know why I had that dream hahaha.

And then the dream jumped to something totally different. Christina Grimmie, or at least a look-a-like of her, was the new assistant for this famous entrepreneur guy. The guy was throwing a dinner party, and it turned out that I was also his assistant. While they were starting to serve all the food and everything, my boss's other assistant (apparently he needed 3 assistants?!) and I went out to get him a caramel macchiato from Starbucks. There wasn't a nearby Starbucks so we had to go really far out. I was kinda bummed because all the food looked really good and we didn't have time to eat it, and all I really wanted was some salmon sashimi but they didn't have it.

So anyways, we went out to get the coffee and then things got even weirder. On the way back, everything turned into this big giant pool broken off into different sections. Like literally everything was a pool, all the streets, all the grass, everything! I was carrying the macchiato really carefully while we were walking through all the water. We walked by this one section where the Janoskians were performing weird circus tricks. I had to jump across one of the pool dividers, but ended up flying through the sky and passing by the restaurant because I couldn't stop. Luckily I finally landed like a mile away and the caramel macchiato didn't spill. But by the time I finally swam back to the restaurant, I was like half-drowned and passed out on the door of the restaurant so the boss's friend had to help me. And then I woke up..

I still don't know if I got saved or not. But seriously, majority of my dreams really do involve water. Is that a sign I have to pee or something?? Anyways, I think I've learned not to watch so much Youtube now, because it's a little ridiculous that everybody in this dream is literally from Youtube.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Let's Be Monsters

Doing face masks at home is fun. I like to do a mask once a week (more if I'm breaking out or my skin just really needs the extra kick). I used to only use masks I would get from Asia--my favorite brand was the one that had a Korean boy band on the box. Yes, a boy band. I figured that if boys could use the masks and look super pretty, it must work magic on girls.

But then I discovered the face masks from LUSH, and they are probably my new favorite thing this summer. I like the minty one that looks like mint chocolate chip ice cream. But I recently finally got the Catastrophe Cosmetic one that's made with blueberries. I tried it once at the store, and really loved it but they were sold out that day. It's a fresh face mask that they have made weekly, so they're always sold out. Sydney and I would know..we've literally been checking every week in the store. 

Anyways, I really like these LUSH masks because they're the kind you kinda paint on your face, so you literally look like a monster. They would be a perfect match for my onesie that looks like Sully from Monsters Inc. The masks are a lot of fun, and they feel really nice on your face. And your face feels really nice after you take them off. BEAUTIFUL.

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