
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Saturday, September 13, 2014

No More Piercings

So I got my ears pierced a few months back. It was either get my ears pierced or get a tattoo. I went for the less permanent choice. I had never gotten my ears pierced ever before, so I was a little late to the game. But I went and did it (with moral support from Trisha and Brian). It was scary since I'm scared of needles (I went to Enigma where they use needles instead of a piercing gun). The whole process was really fast and really clean, and was so happy with the results. 

So everything was totally fine up until this week. I found out I would have to remove all jewelry for my lab class I'm taking this fall, which put me in a little bit of panic mode. I hadn't tried to even take out the earrings they first gave me when I got my ears pierced. No worries though, I was only a few weeks past the "point when you can change your earrings now" so not a big deal. But I had to try to take them out and put them back in for the first time and it just wasn't working. I know it's normal for earrings to be a bit stuck the first time you change them, but these were literally superglued on or something. After countless tries, Googling tips, and Youtubing for help, I finally got one earring off. But the whole process left my ear looking red and agitated. 

BUT THEN, after I finally got that earring out,  I couldn't get the earring back in. The earrings I had gotten turned out to be the kind where you put it in from the back of the ear, not the front like most earrings. As hard as I tried, I couldn't get the earring in because I couldn't see the back of my ear. In the end, my dad had to help me but it was actually pretty painful to do. So I went and got new earrings that night that I could put on from the front. They fit alright after a little bit of coaxing and I thought no more of it. 

Until today when I tried to practice taking them off and putting them on. SERIOUSLY COULD NOT DO IT. The earrings just did not want to go back in. Or at least they just wouldn't go all the way through my ear. Of course, I spent about 10 minutes trying to get one earring back in, but NOTHING. It was like my ears were saying, "Nuh uh, that thing is not coming back in here. You are officially REJECTED. Now go away." Plus when I took one of the earrings off, it kinda seemed like it wasn't fully healed or something. Or maybe it was from all the agitation lately. But, whatever it was, definitely not normal. 

So I figured, you know, it really wasn't worth all the time and pain it took to try to get these earrings in and out each time I did it. I would have had to do it literally every single time that I had class, and that was just not something I was willing to go through. So.....for now at least, bye bye earrings. I'm going to allow my piercings to heal up for now. I guess I'm just one of those people who aren't meant to have piercings because my ears clearly were not happy with them. They feel much better now even though the earrings have only been out for not that long, and they look a lot better too. But like my mom said, there's always clip-on earrings if I want earrings in the future hahaha. 
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