
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Caramel Apples, But Not.

I love apples, but I'm not always a fan of eating them if that makes sense. It kinda gets tiring eating a plain apple after a while. 

For breakfast this morning, I really wanted to eat apples though. But not plain apples. Oh no. 
So I made these apples, drizzled with lots of melty peanut butter and sprinkled with cinnamon--two of my favorite things ever. And I ate the whole plate without getting tired of it. Success! 

They kinda remind me of caramel apples, but healthier. And I don't like caramel that much anyways. Side note: these would also make a really delicious and easy snack too. This takes like 2 minutes to make, tops.
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