
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Monday, September 08, 2014

Dream Diary #22 | A Little Trip To San Francisco

The dream started off with us at Grandma's house. We were there eating dinner--just me, Kaia, Uncle Yvan, Kevin, and Brian eating. Grandma cooked 4 fish and Uncle Yvan was happy about that. I made Kaia a bowl and was cutting up all the veggies for her with scissors. My mom was also there, but she wasn't eating. Kevin and Brian were talking about how they had to leave for a trip that night because 2 of their friends died. Apparently they had mutual friends that none of us knew about, and they passed away on the same day. That's so sad. I want to say that they were planning to go to SF.

Then suddenly I was in SF?! Apparently I drove all night there by myself, and then once I got there I stopped to get ice tea from a little store. I waited in this really long line, but when I got to the front, they said there was no ice tea. There was also no lemonade. So the cashier tried to sell me a small can of coconut juice for $10. Luckily, Kat found me there before I bought it and we decided to go eat dinner. We walked from the store to go to this fancy place called Bon Bon Cou Cou or something like that. It was a fancy steak restaurant that always had a long line. But this time we figured it would be okay because only 26 people were checked in on Yelp. The weird this is: that same store I stopped at to get tea and the restaurant have both been in my dreams before. 

Anyways, the restaurant was full, so we had to wait. We walked a little further down onto the wharf/pier by the restaurant. We had to walk through these sprinklers to get there, but the view of the harbor was sooooo beautiful. Then we walked over this moving dock to get to this little island. This lady and her baby walked over it at the same time, and the weight of both of us trying to cross caused it to tip over. But luckily I caught it before it could flip.
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