
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Favorite | Pinkberry & Nordstrom

So since I've moved to SLO, there's a couple things I really wish were here that weren't (besides family and friends of course.) But there's no Nordstrom here, and there's no Pinkberry here! I mean there's obviously a bunch of other clothing stores (but no real mall) and a bunch of frozen yogurt places. They're just not Nordstrom or Pinkberry. So this Friday Favorite is dedicated to these favorites of mine that I won't get to go to for a while (unless I drive pretty farrrrr to get to them).

Also, I'm sooo happy it's Friday! My first week of classes if officially done, so today I got to sleep in a little more--does 8:30am count as sleeping in?? Oh well, it does to me! 
Happy Friday!
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