
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Tissues and Tears

When You Cry Tears by the Bucket, Like Me.

So, a lot of things make me cry/tear up. I cry over sad things, and I cry when I laugh too hard, or even when I'm really happy. I even tear up over things that aren't even remotely sad sometimes. I cry rivers and buckets of tears and use sooo many tissues. I'm just a crying machine, aka a giant embarrassing mess. Brian and Sydney make fun of me for this, but I just can't help it. Sorry for having a heart guys! #noshame

Here's a random list of things that made me cry just this week.. On average, I cried 1.142 times/day this week. That's a lot. Just imagine if I wrote a list for the whole year. It would literally never end.

1. The series finale episode of Boy Meets World where everyone says goodbye to Mr. Feeny. 

It's sooo sad because everyone's moving, but Mr. Feeny doesn't go with them this time, like when he went with them to college. Also, pretty much any series finale of any show makes me cry. But this one was extra sad because Boy Meets World has a special place in my heart since I watched it all growing up.

2. The trailer for The Fault in Our Stars. 

The book made me BAWL when I read it, so I was pretty much reading it with tears streaming down my face. But IT WAS SO SO SO GOOD. I'm 150% sure that I'm going to need a box of tissues to watch the actual movie. Maybe even 2 boxes.

3. The song "All of Our Stars" by Ed Sheeran that's in The Fault in Our Stars movie. 

First of all, Ed Sheeran is a musical genius and all of the songs he writes are amazing. Second of all, the fact that it's in The Fault in Our Stars just makes this particular song even more emotional than it already is. Ugh. Like why is it soo good but so sad?! Why, Ed Sheeran, why?!

4. One word: Allergies.

I ALWAYS have allergies and at times it feels like I am allergic to EVERYTHING. I really am allergic to a lot of things and it really does suck. Sometimes it even feels like I'm even allergic to air (if that's possible) because I get allergies over nothing. This time it was because of my allergy to horses, and I hung out with my younger cousin right after she had her horseback riding lesson. My eye got super itchy and watery, and my nose got congested and runny at the same time. Allergies are not fun at all, and honestly with the amount of things I'm allergic to, it's like allergy season is all year long for me.

5. Matthew's 8th Grade Graduation.

My cousin Matthew officially graduated from middle school and is now entering the world of high school! WHAT IS GOING ON?! Seriously makes me feel old. But that's not the reason why I cried. He was Class Historian and took pictures all year long, and then made a slideshow for the graduation of all the fun times they had in 8th grade. It was so beautiful to see all of the moments captured on camera and the songs playing in the background were so sweet. Like, seriously, sniffle sniffle. Good friends + candid/uncandid pictures + good music = tears. Seriously though, congratulations Matthew!! Have fun in high school :)

6. Dylan's Journal Entry.

I've been volunteering in my little cousin Dylan's 1st grade class for this school year. It was so much fun and I am so sad that the year is over. I can't believe they're all going to be 2nd graders now! I love all of the kids and especially love my little Dylan even more than I did before. So, now that the year's almost over, the kids have been taking their projects and things home with them. My aunt showed me one of his journal entries from earlier this year, and it said this.

Like, OMG. Dylan loves me! AWWWW. I love Dylan. He makes me cry in a good way. Even though it kinda looks like he wrote Jadkie instead of Jackie. Also, he draws such beautiful pictures hahaha. I love it. I cried because it made it so happy and from laughing at the picture. I also love how he writes all of his S's as capitals.

7. The scene from the movie Hotel For Dogs.

The part when Emma Roberts' character and Jake T. Austin's character have to split up because they got in trouble with their foster parents = SO SAD. AND THEN ALL OF THE DOGS GOT PUT IN THE POUND. TEARS FOR DAYS. At least the movie had a happy ending, which also was kinda tearworthy. Also, side note, Jake T. Austin looks so young in this movie, and I totally miss the show Wizards of Waverly Place. Why did it have to endddd?

8. Ansel Elgort's Instagram post.

He plays Augustus Waters in The Fault in Our Stars and posts all these things about the movie on his Instagram. Today he posted a shot from the movie with my favorite quote from the book: "But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity." I read it, and already needed a tissue. I seriously don't know how I'm going to handle watching the actual movie. I NEED TO BUY TISSUES NOW.

So I cried over 8 things this week, which isn't too many times, but is still 8 times more than other people. Sometimes I think I really need to just get it together. But other times, I'm perfectly fine with embarrassing myself and others by crying over everything and nothing. It's perfectly okay to be a mess, as long as you're not a mess all the time, right? Right. Like I said before, #noshame.
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