
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Favorite | The Fault In Our Stars

Can Someone Pass Me More Tissues Please?

This week I watched The Fault In Our Stars with Sydney. After reading the book and crying over just about the whole thing, I was really really really excited to see this movie. There were a few failed attempts to see it, but finally we did it. And it was beyond worth the wait. 

Hands down, this is one of my new favorite movies. Me & Syd can't wait to get it on DVD and watch it over and over surrounded by ice cream and tissues. Here's why.

1. I really love the book. John Green is a fantastic author. He knows how to suck you into reading a book from start to finish, without stopping to go eat or pee. I fell in love with Augustus Waters and Sydney fell in love with Ansel Elgort. My summer goal: read all of John Green's books, even though Sydney tells me that Looking For Alaska has a scene that's a little risqué or something. But that's alright.

2. Usually when books are made into movies, some important parts are changed or left out, which makes the movies a little disappointing. I was a little scared that this movie would be the same way. But...it wasn't, yay! I mean, some things were changed or left out of the movie, but not too much to make me not like it. I seriously loved everything in the movie and can now die happy after watching it. 

3. It made me cry like a baby. In a really good way. We brought a ton of tissues with us, and I ended up using most of them, but I was nice and let Sydney use 3 of them haha. I love when movies have that one really emotional scene that gives you the feels. This movie had like 50 because I cried throughout the whole thing. Sydney got annoyed because I kept sniffling, even in the parts that weren't sad. But Sydney sniffled and cried a bunch in this movie too, so she shouldn't be complaining. 

4. Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort are gooooood. Like really really good. And really good together. I hate when two characters have zero chemistry together and they ruin the whole movie. But these two are so perfect as Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters. And Ansel Elgort is really cute too (Sydney agrees x10000000). 

5. Last but not least, this one quote.
"But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within he numbered days, and I'm grateful." 
Serious feels. I love that quote. Seriously, who didn't cry when this part came up?? Because if you didn't cry, you have no soul. And no heart.

So now after reading the book and watching the movie, I can say without a doubt, that I love The Fault In Our Stars and everything about it. I love it so much that I would even go out and get a tattoo that is related to it in some shape or form. And that is saying a whole lot since I am so afraid of needles. But I really do want a tattoo, so I would so do it. That's true love right there.
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