
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Sunday, June 29, 2014

8 Random Things I Love Doing

Because I'm Weird. Honestly. 

I'm easily entertained and find the most random things to be interesting or fun. Besides the obvious things I love, like baking and traveling, these are some more random things I love to do. Some of these things are weird, but all of them are really fun for me. So here we go.

1. Brushing my teeth for a really long time.

This is probably the most random one on my list. I really love brushing my teeth for some odd reason. Like, I'll literally brush my teeth for the longest time because I think it's really fun. I also really like the feeling of clean teeth and how minty fresh your mouth gets. So every time I brush my teeth, I'll stand there and brush, brush, brush away for like 5 minutes (or even more). 

2. Going to concerts and getting that ringing in the ears afterwards.

One of the greatest joys in my life is going to concerts and shows. I LOVE IT. I love seeing my favorite bands and singers performing live because it's such a different feeling than just listening through headphones. I believe that the best shows leave you with the most intense ringing in the ears feeling after it's over. The better the show, the longer you have that ringing for. Really good shows will leave me with the ringing feeing for days, and I love every minute of it.

3. Going into kitchen stores.

I love walking into stores like Sur La Table or Crate&Barrel just to browse through all of the kitchen things they have. It's so fun to just wander through those stores and look at all of the baking gadgets and little tools they have. I have a collection of appliances and baking tools at home, but there's always more things I would love to get (and will slowly, but surely buy). 

4. Watching movies on the SyFy Channel.

The SyFy Channel always has these movies that are really stupid, but hilarious to watch. The plots are outrageously ridiculous but they keep me entertained. I really love sharks, so the shark ones are my favorites to watch. My favorite right now is probably Sand Sharks because I love how the sharks can swim through the sand to attack their victims. I still need to watch the one about the invisible sharks, and I can't wait for Sharknado 2!

5. Building furniture.

I like to build things by myself. Like all of the furniture you get from IKEA or Target, I love to build. Now, I'm no handyman so I definitely can't build things from scratch. But give me a set with instructions, and I can sit there and have the best time doing it. I have no idea why it's so fun for me, but I just love it.

6. Watching football.

Growing up, I loved watching basketball with my dad. But now, I love watching football soo much more. I can't wait for September for football to start again. It seems like it's been forever since the SuperBowl and football season ended. My favorite team to watch is the Saints, even though I'm from San Diego. But... I really just don't like the Chargers hahaha.

7. Going to aquariums.

I could spend all day in any aquarium. Take me to an aquarium, and I will be a happy girl. The sharks are always my favorite to look at, and I can sit there forever just looking at them. Of course, I do sometimes get scared that the glass will break and the sharks will eat me. But at the same time, I also get scared that the glass will break, because then it means all the fish will die. And that would be so sad.

8. Singing loudly in the car with other people.

I love to sing in the car, and it's even more fun when there are other people in the car to do it with. I never drive without music on because it's so boring to sit there in silence. It's fun to listen to the radio, but the radio overplays a lot of songs. So most of the time I'll plug in my phone and play songs on shuffle. I love when a random 90's song will play, like Backstreet Boys or something. It's so much fun to sing/scream to songs you really love, and even more fun to sing/scream to songs from "back in the day."

So that's it. 8 random things that I love doing. I don't think any of them really correlate to each other at all, but that's okay. I'm just a complex person who likes a wide array of different activities. LOL just kidding. But not really.

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