
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Sunday, October 05, 2014


Yesterday, my roommates and I decided to do a workout video together LOL. 
It's a little video Megan brought here called the Brazilian Butt Lift, and it's hilarious! Some of the moves are so funny and awkward to do, and the guy calls everyone's butts "bum bums" but pronounced like "boom booms" HAHAHAHA. 

Anyways, we couldn't even make it through one whole workout because it was SO HOT in the apartment. And also, now this morning we're all incredibly sore. Too sore to stand and sit and walk. THAT VIDEO WORKS. 

I think I'm also really sore because Megan and I were doing more handstands yesterday. And squats. And crab walks. And trying to play Leap Frog. But we figured out that Leap Frog doesn't work for the 2 of us, so scratch that off the list.

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