
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A VERY Belated and Classy Birthday Post

So I'm finally coming back on the blog posting wagon after dropping off it for a while. It's kinda hard to start doing something again after you don't do it for a while. But here we go. 

A week ago was my birthday! And half a week ago was Sydney's birthday! Happy belated birthday to us! And happy birthday to Trisha today! 

I went home for my birthday to celebrate with the family last weekend, and Sydney and I had a joint birthday dinner. It was at this fancy little French restaurant called Tapenade in La Jolla. Of course, our family pretty much took up half the restaurant because there's so many of us. We ate a bunch of fancy food, and had a bunch of yummy wine. Of course, there was a delicious looking birthday dessert (chocolate!!!) I also got the bonus of getting to see GG for like 30 minutes haha. It was fun being at home, even though it was literally for like 1.5 days. See you guys at Thanksgiving!

I got tons of amazing gifts from everybody. Definitely lots of elephant things (thank you Chelsea and my cuzzos and my amazing roomies!) and a polaroid camera (finally!) and other odds and ends and sweet things (we killed that chocolate SO FAST, Polina). THANK YOU EVERYONE!

Then the weekend after that we had some more classy celebrating (and also some not classy celebrating, but I don't have pictures of that haha). We had a little girls' night in SLO at Meze Wine Bar & Bistro. The bubbly was pink and delicious, and they had really good food too. We played some more when we got home. And I got a little carsick. Whoops. Avoid party regret please. And the next day, Maggie made us really really delicious fried eggs in tortilla baskets. YES. And then we all played again.

The End.

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