
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Why Burritos Are Dangerous

A Graduation with Flatulation

Today Kent transitioned from grad school student, to grad school graduate. Hallelujah & Congratulations! The ceremony was on the USS Midway, which was pretty awesome. Everyone (except me) got sunburned. Not so awesome. Also not so awesome: the smoke layer in the sky from all the wildfires in San Diego :( 
All of the graduates made a little speech, and it was nice to see all of their families so proud and happy for them. We are proud of you Kent! 
Let's take a moment to appreciate the unplanned color coordination going on. 
But, obviously Princess Kika is wayy more stylish than all of us combined. 
Those sunglasses + that pose = adorable. 
PS. We need to buy Sydney some sunglasses.
PPS. Rare photo of Trisha wearing a color that's not black!
Sorry Kevin, the Princess is tired of taking pictures now.
"Let me go Kevin! Save me Jackie!"- Princess Kika

Back to the ceremony: The ceremony was great but got a little bit boring, up until the point when the lady sitting in front of me decided to fart really loudly. During the middle of the ceremony. Right in front of our faces. Like seriously lady??? Trisha's reaction was like...
She tried to play it cool as if she didn't let out a massive fart, but we all heard it. The people sitting behind us heard it. The people in the back row probably even heard it, but if they didn't, they definitely saw us trying so hard not to laugh. At least we were nice and didn't call her out on it. Maybe she just ate a giant burrito right before the ceremony and just couldn't help herself. 

So the moral of this story is probably this: Even after a scary week of wildfires, a little graduation ceremony can really boost your spirits and make you laugh, especially if there are farting old ladies involved. Also, don't eat burritos before you attend a graduation. 
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