
life. adventures. stories. & funnies. ❤

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Dream Diary #37 | Dolphins Up Close And Personal

It was my birthday in my dream.

And we were at a crowded beach, swimming in the ocean with a ton of people. The water was gorgeous and super clear, so I'm thinking we were somewhere tropical. It was weird though because these rocks were kinda blocking the way back to the beach. So once you were out in the water, it was really hard to get back to the sand. And in real life, I'm not the strongest swimmer, so it was kinda cool to be able to swim out so far in my dream.

I remember there were dolphins somewhere in my dream last night and they were huge! They all swam together and were really close to us. It was a little bit scary actually seeing them super up close. But I'm sure they were very nice dolphins and they didn't hurt us--so that was a plus. 

Then the dream switched to a huge house. I remember I was texting Brian about something and Kaia was there too. I guess I forgot all my stuff to get ready though, so needed to go and borrow stuff from everybody. I think I had to get ready for a birthday party (for myself?) but I really can't remember anymore. 

Happy days. And happy lunar new year!
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Friday, February 06, 2015

So It Wasn't Friday...

On Wednesday, for some odd reason, I woke up thinking it was Friday. 
Like every cell in my body truly believed it was Friday. And I was like, "Oh awesome, it's Friday...let me just skip class today and sleep in some more." But then... it wasn't Friday. It was actually Wednesday and there was no possible way for me to skip all my Wednesday classes.

Seriously, made me so sad.


So that wasn't my brightest moment. And it was honestly really sad that it wasn't Friday.

So now today is Friday, but doesn't really feel like Friday because in my mind, Friday already happened. Great.

Happy Friday to me.
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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Dear Jon, You Can Never Escape Us Now.

Dear Jon,
*Cue Nicholas Sparks movie now* 
Seriously, you will never ever be able to escape us now. You're a Gypsie for life. And you're our friend forever and ever and ever and ever. Even when you're all the way over in Rhode Island. 

It was a pleasure for all of us to meet you, for all of us to becomes friends, and for us to invade your space all the time. Thanks for letting us creep while you were sleeping, Edward Cullen-style. But hey, even in your short time at Cal Poly, you already became ultra famous on CalPolySleeps and the the bike video. And also you got to hangout with us amazing kids--tell ya friends!!!! Don't forget to teach Rhode Island all the cool Californian things we taught you, like how to wear bro tanks and how to not wear shoes at home and how to bromance (thank your roommates) and how to go with the flow & not plan things by the minute. And we promise that we'll never forget everything you taught us, like fashion and makeup and bikes and all your advice and Italian things and dance moves by the incredible Dr. Sugaspank.

In all honesty though, it won't be the same without you and we already miss you loads. 
But we'll see you soon buddy! 

And remember, when you come back to California, we'll have a dairy-free apple birthday pie ready, and Mandy will be waiting for you in a box (and maybe Kyle too). And when we come to Rhode Island and take over the whole island, we hope you're ready too. And the card we made you better be framed and on top of your mantle. Oh, and we need to meet your MA. MAAAA.

Your favorite crazy kids <3 
#tellyafriends2k15 #yacrazykids
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Friday, January 23, 2015

Dream Diary #36 | House of Cats and the Bunny Rabbit from Hell

For some reason, every time I dream of animals, they scare me sooo much.
Like they're not just regular animals you see in everyday life, but more like...demonic monsters.

So last night I dreamt of cats. Furry crazy ass cats. Not just one cat, but many many cats.
And I HATE HATE HATE cats in real life and am super allergic to them. So it was so bizarre that I dreamt about hanging around with those demon creatures at someone's house. I forgot whose house it was, but I do remember that they abandoned me there to help them take care of their cats. Everywhere I turned, there was a cat. And they just wouldn't leave me alone!!! And oddly enough, the cats could kinda talk and understand me? I even told one cat to close the door for me when I was trying to run away and it did. JEEPERS.

And of course, once I escaped the House of Cats, I ran into another demonic animal, but this time it was a bunny rabbit. As I was trying to ask people for directions to get back home,  I see this creature out of the corner of my eye. And it honestly looked like a gray wrinkly baby elephant. And I thought, "Oh that's kinda cute...but why is there an elephant here?" Turns out that it definitely wasn't an elephant. One of the people I was talking to started explaining to me that it was actually a rabbit--a really huge and terrifying bunny rabbit. A bunny rabbit the size of a horse. A bunny rabbit that started sprinting right at me and getting all up in my face. 

I definitely woke up with massive anxiety after that dream.
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Monday, January 05, 2015

A Very Happy Christmas, Indeed.

Happy Christmas, Harry! - Ron Weasley
Happy Christmas, Ron! - Harry Potter
Anyways, it's now 2015, and I still haven't written about Christmas 2014!!! 
It was a happy, jolly, warm and fuzzy time this year. Complete with a Christmas cake! We've never had a Christmas cake before, but it was probably the best idea we've ever had. It will definitely be incorporated as a new Christmas tradition, especially because it's my all time favorite chocolate layered mousse cake and is sooo delicious. It would be selfish to only have that cake on our birthdays because Christmas is Jesus's birthday and I'm sure he would appreciate the cake (right Sydney?)

This year all the cousins did stockings since we were tired of doing White Elephant and Secret Santa again. Stockings were actually really fun, except all of us failed at finding gifts that would fit into the actual stockings LOL. So the stockings were empty...and all the presents were just on the floor. 

We also decorated the tree a little differently this year. First off, the tree was bought much much earlier (like day after Thanksgiving early) instead of how we usually wait until a few weeks before Christmas. And sooo for the first time in forever, we actually had a really nice and full and pretty-from-all-sides tree! Yay!!!

We still put up all our nostalgic childhood ornaments like all the Disney ones, and I added a new Cal Poly ornament too. But we also decided to seek ideas the great Pinterest app on how to decorate our tree. Pinterest thought we should add in some of those huge fake flowers, so we did. We'll probably slowly add more little things from Pinterest every year, but this year started off pretty well. 

I can't wait for next Christmas to decorate the tree, and drink more champagne (Brian, you little drunkie), and do more presents and stockings, and have more misspelled presents. 

Happy Christmas everybody!
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